Appendix 1   |   Appendix 2   |   Appendix 3   |   Appendix 4   



flower Larger reality is thus inhabited, and there are house rules there, too. Once you make a step forward - an evolutionary leap into vast emptiness - you find out that you are not on top of the pile anymore, but rather a novice in an altogether different ballgame. Ancient consciousness that inhabits this realm, the other - Alienus - calls the shots.

At certain point in evolution, a species is past all existential concerns - there is no more need for ever more resources - energy, minerals, genes... - struggle for survival is no longer the order of the day, and one looks for new raison d'être. This new sense of meaning and purpose gets largely derived from, and defined through interaction with more advanced aliens which serve as a reference frame. As such, they bring home a certain common understanding which overrides all individual differences and conflicting interests. Calling the shots is then a matter of coordination, rather than an exercise in command and control.

Klingon There is therefore no such a thing as Star Trek Universe (STU) - a universe populated by extraterrestrials with competing agendas, squabbling over their differences. Hence, we do not witness any inter-stellar/ inter-galactic wars as we otherwise would. If STU were true, we would had been colonized long ago, simply because we didn't get anywhere first. We are a proverbial sitting duck in such universe. The Trekkies such as us Earthlings, Klingons, Thermians, at al. are perhaps really limited by the speed of light, you know - the twins paradox - and other such misconceptions and misperceptions. It's our lack of understanding of physics, of nature, of the universe and reality as such, that keeps us at safe distance away from one another. Once the Trekkies evolve and reach a point at which they can visit other star systems and planets - and colonize and exploit them - they also realize there are more important, and more productive things to do, other then mining distant planets. Gardening, perhaps.

Historically, discussion on the nature of UFO phenomenon, and, by extension, alien presence here, was largely based on a reductionist assumption that they are "something like us, but from another planet". The truth is, UFOs cannot be fully understood solely in terms of advanced nuts 'n' bolts spacecraft, manufactured on another planet; the so-called alien abductions are perhaps more than a mere gene harvesting operation, as some UFO researchers assume.

Much of the reported alien behavior is highly counterintuitive, and often apparently irrational, if one tries to interpret it in terms of simple ET Hypothesis. Many have noticed this, and the consensus today is that this perceived irrationality is due to a so-called Incommensurability Problem: aliens may have had developed along different evolutionary lines, different enough to result in a cognitive mismatch between them and us.

alien The ETs will look just like whatever they look like. Alien, on the other hand, will always only appear to us as whatever we make of it. This is due to the very nature of alien. It has no one permanent body, or even a form as we understand it, since it originates from beyond what we call spacetime which gives form to everything, not only everything we see, but also to all we know, to what we are here and now. Alienus comes from everywhere-and-nowhere, from Vega, or Tunisia for that matter, and only manifests itself here, or elsewhere, temporarily and for a purpose, in a form which is most appropriate for a given purpose and cultural context.

It may be that aliens enter and manipulate the psychic realm by means of some advanced technologies. They may have such a degree of control over both, material reality and consciousness, as to appear truly magical to us, as Arthur Clark once suggested. They are fully operational in this extended universe, just like we are in our own world of material objects and physical forces. Their technologies integrate both, physical and psychic properties of nature, and their activity is manifest as spectrum of physical and psychic phenomena. UFO phenomenon is the most coherent, structured, and the most articulate of all psi phenomena.

This is not to say that alien is a spirit, or a ghost, demon, angel... Alienus can be conceptualized in terms of natural evolution, in which case, it could be quite literary billions of years ahead of us, way past biological evolution as we understand it. Alien is a manifestation of logos - Logos - order of symmetry larger relative to our understanding of the world - an expression of evolving consciousness, a thought with no content that evolves into a notion, a notion evolves into a sensation that informs, feeds back the thought.

Logos makes even a grain of sand ultimately incomprehensible to a linear mathematical-logical reasoning. Yet, a grain of sand still remains accessible, in its entirety, to a moment of intuitive insight. Buddhists know it, mystics know it, dervish and shamans know it. Meditation, shamanic journey, psychodelic trans, etc, intuitive and entirely subjective as they are, these are all perfectly valid epistemological tools, from the point of view of world's many mystical schools of thought, and different cultural traditions, past and present.

Functionally, alien is an agent, an evolutionary catalyst. It provides environment and stage, and it guides our evolving consciousness, but never controls outcome, or direction. This process has its own intrinsic logic, and particular direction it takes, as well as any outcome, are largely determined by us. That's a space for us to learn, to exercise our free will, and to develop a sense of responsibility, a sense of purpose. Perhaps we could have had better time, more fun, I'm not sure we're scoring well on this free will exercise routine.

It's worth noting that many indigenous peoples around the world know alien as well, and they all make a clear distinction between aliens, and other otherworldly entities that are part of their traditional culture. Aliens are perceived as having their own, distinct place of residence and origin. They have their own sense of purpose, too, and generally cannot be controlled in the ways the shamans normally communicate and negotiate their way around ancestral, animal, and other spiritual entities familiar to them.

alien Therefore, the aliens are as real as real can be. Various (quasi)medical procedures, complete with intricate, surgical type wounds left behind, are real, and so is the hybrid race. However, alien overall reality, their ontological reality, is not identical to ours. We don't really know what's actually happening during interactions with aliens, do we? Some of the procedures do resemble medical examination and surgery. Still, we can't say that that's what it really is. It may just as well be only our common sense conjecture. The truth is, we just don't know.

Alien is good, but it's not here to sort out our problems for us. It catalysis an ongoing, intrinsic evolutionary processes in order to unlock and release a full potential that's inherent to an evolving agent/ entity - consciousness, soul - the core evolving aspect of being. Other aspects of evolution, such as the evolution of Homo sapiens and present biosphere on Earth, are a function, a property of this core process which is the focus of alien activity. In other words, we shouldn't assume that it's us, Homo sapiens sapiens, who are in the center of their attention, in the center of alien universe.

As a matter of fact, alien never solves a problem for us, it only lightens a burden sometimes. Like that woman from Jacques Vallee's Dimensions, she was relieved of financial worries, but it did not solve the underlying problems of poverty and injustice.

The scientific orthodoxy says we humans are a manifestation of Material Order, order of things within the material universe as we know it, with its laws of physics: the Newtonian universe shaped and moved by gravity, crammed into 3-D Cartesian grid, slightly curved in order to accommodate Einstein.

earthlings Now, humans on planet Earth are said to be a high, if not the highest, point in the evolution of this clockwork universe, in which matter - we should not forget - is essence, the substance that gives rise to all experience including consciousness and selfconsciousness, and the very spacetime has a material cause too. We are thinking matter - a matter which had evolved to a point where it became aware of itself.

Yet, at fundamental level, quantum physicists tell us, matter does not evolve. The electrons bouncing off your computer screen right now are precisely identical to the very first ones that emerged out off Big Bang - an emergence out of singularity. What is more, they are exactly identical to the very last electron that will be left over before it, and everything else with it, vanishes into Big... Crunch - Big Crunch is, well, another case of singularity. In between these two somewhat elusive scientific concepts lays the lifetime of the universe, according to the reigning paradigm, the scientific materialism.

What's more, some scientists say that there is no such a thing as "electrons". Instead, there is only one single electron in the entire universe, there was and ever will be that one only. The many "electrons" our instruments detect are just different manifestations of that single electron. How does the matter, locked up in this incomprehensible maze, suppose to evolve at all, remains unclear.

Science has defined its domain, that of the material world. It studies processes taking place there, and the laws governing those processes. Science has its proper place and role to play in our quest for knowledge, and it has a lot to add and contribute to it - not the least a robust method developed and refined over time. So, why does the institutional science then continues to invade these other territories, such as religion, philosophy, mysticism, etc, often only to deny them the very right to be an aspect of the world, a legitimate part of our understanding of the whole?

deep state For any conspiring government the problem is not anymore that somebody will spill the proverbial beans. The problem now is that people are getting increasingly alienated from their respective governments speaking broadly, and quite independently from the UFO subject matter. The danger for a government today is that people will not be interested anymore in what government has to say about UFOs even if it decides to talk.

Another thing regarding UFO disclosure, the government doesn't understand these UFOs and aliens any better than you and me. They have no doubt collected lots of data points over decades, but they don't have much to add to our understanding of the phenomenon.

Not all alien activity is so mysterious and cryptic, though. There is certainly no deception of any kind on the part of UFO/ alien. The peculiar form an interaction often takes, a memetic theater, a happening, is due to aliens' very nature. In spite of all the difficulties and differences, not the least the already mentioned cognitive mismatch between them and us, some of alien efforts seem pretty straightforward, and can be interpreted as a workshop staged for our benefit:

"Over the past decade many eyewitnesses in the valley of Hessdalen, northeastern Norway, have reported flickering pulsing lights that change shape. Observations are made several times a month in the small Trøndelag village. Powerful lights streak travel across the sky, linger then vanish. Researchers from Østfold College installed an automatic monitor in the area and have registered 79 sightings of unexplainable phenomena. They will now add radar and three new cameras in order to document the distance and speed of the regularly observed UFOs.

"The years 1981 to 1984 bustled with activity. Sightings have gradually decreased, the current tally being about 20 a year. Video cameras monitor the skies 24 hours a day and the pictures are posted directly to the Internet. The web site has about 500 hits per hour - 85 percent of them from outside of Norway."

Don't expect encyclopedic bits though, or definitions and solutions ready for application. These aliens don't have much to add to our linear scientific, technological, social, cultural, etc, progress. It has it's own curve and pace, largely determined by us.

Alien represents an evolutionary quantum jump. It's giving us subtle clues about some fundamental aspects of nature of things we need to grasp before we can read their books and records. It can't be just simply told, explained, or declared. All of reality is not entirely custom made for, and readily available to, our present given state of mind.

They staged a show in a remote valley, a genuine scientific workshop. We have to grasp ourselves what they're talking about. Once again, it's due to nature of things, nothing to do with secrecy and deception. It's more like, you can't just translate Chinese to English, you need to get a grip on Chinese mind first.


ET Interpreter
an interview with Sgt. Clifford Stone

video production by Project Camelot