Appendix 1   |   Appendix 2   |   Appendix 3   |   Appendix 4   



Every time aliens engage with us, they make us aware of, and take us into a larger, extended reality, which is their home. It's not to say that they are hyper-dimensional, cross-temporal, etc, entities of any kind. They inhabit this very same universe, the very same reality that we live in, except that they understand it a lot better than we do.

General theories of physics are regarded as dealing with the universal nature of material reality, the world of matter/ energy and physical forces. These, in turn, shape and move, and give substance to everything else, from planets, to stars, to galaxies, and beyond - all of the universe. Furthermore, the so-called spacetime, as well as any other dimensions that may, or may not be out there, emerge from interactions between matter and energy. These ideas still define Western worldview, and determine not only the way we think about the world, but also the way we live and organize our lives, individually and collectively.

There is a problem, though: life, and consciousness, i.e. our very existence and capacity/ ability to experience, or just to be aware at all, these are mere anomalies as far as scientific materialism is concerned. One could just as well say "deep mysteries", but that doesn't sound very scientific. Either way, our fundamental physical theories do not even anticipate, never mind predict, emergence of life, and/ or consciousness. These are freak, if somewhat embarrassing aberrations in the otherwise entirely mechanical, self-regulating, gravity-powered, material universe of contemporary Western science. There is no place - or for that matter - no need for you and me in such a universe deprived of meaning and purpose, alien and hostile to very human existence. As far as widely accepted scientific understanding goes, the universe could just as well evolve blindly, mechanically, towards some undetermined and irrelevant future, undisturbed by any thoughts. And yet, it doesn't.

Alien realm is nothing like concepts and models of our physical science. It has nothing to do with the eleven or so dimensions envisioned by string theorists. It's not curled up and packed down to Planck length, nothing like Calabi-Yau spaces and such stuff. Alien universe extends beyond our notion of so-called spacetime, so as to include what we perceive, and conceive of, as "para-normal" - a domain/ aspect of reality which is still very much Terra Incognita to us. Some progress has been made over the 150 years, or so, of scientific research in the area of parapsychology, but Western science still barely recognizes the reality of the so-called "psychic" phenomena, and even seasoned parapsychologists are only just beginning to come to terms with it. Our collective consciousness is still under stress due to a series of devastating global catastrophes that decimated early humanity, and we are not anymore attuned to these realms. Our senses, or for that matter, our minds, don't register, and don't respond to extended reality, even though it's right here, right now, allover the so-called spacetime, embedded in, and sustaining the physical. Alien universe, on the other hand, encompasses and integrates both, the physical reality, and the psychic realm.

Scroll over the picture of dancing girl - you'll see her spinning clockwise, as most of us tend to perceive by default for some reason. Now, if you stare at the image, kind of absentmindedly, long enough, you'll suddenly see her spinning counter-clockwise! Metaphorically speaking, the clockwise spin is physical reality as we ordinarily perceive it, and the counter-clockwise spin is psychic reality, which is largely beyond our perception, except for occasional glimpses gained through usually spontaneous experiences such as déjà vu, for example. We can see these two opposite spinning directions one at the time, even though they are coexisting, quite literary contained and integrated within one and the same picture frame, one and the same frame of reference. Aliens, being healthy, free of post-traumatic stress disorder, perceive both of these motions simultaneously, as one flux, one integrated continuum. As such, they are a norm, and we, with our troubled past, are rather an exception in this universe. It's important to note that aliens did not achieve psychic abilities and/ or develop psychotronic technologies through scientific advancements, but rather, they are borne psychic, so to speak.


d e f o c u s


Let me point out here that introducing psychic is not an attempt to open a back door to hyper-dimensional mathematical-logical constructs. Psychic phenomena, and accompanying reality, can be conceptualized, scientifically, within the Electric Universe Paradigm, without restoring to higher dimensions, space-time warps, or any of the quantum/ relativistic propositions and ides. We can't go into details of it here - what is important to emphasize is that alien universe is indeed electric, and that aliens are psychic by nature. They are not merely ahead of us in the area of ESP research, but rather, they have developed various psychic faculties over the course of their evolution. Aliens are not merely telepathic, they are also natural out-of-body walkers, remote viewers, telekinetic operators, you get the picture. Further on, they understand that there is no such a thing as dead, unconscious matter. This is of critical importance if we are to understand their technologies. Last but not least, our alien visitors seem to be able to cross between the world of the living and the realm of the dead, under certain conditions. I have to think this one through, though.

Each time aliens interact with us, be it a simple UFO sighting, or an elaborate "abduction" episode, the physical aspects of any such event are only a partial representation, a partial manifestation of the ontological being of alien realm. There is always another, equally important, component to it - a psychic one. What makes aliens so elusive is our inability to reconcile these two realms and view an alien encounter as one whole, an integral event. Therefore, in order to be able to communicate with us, aliens have to bring us into altered, elevated state of consciousness first, and restore, temporarily, our own repressed psychic faculties. Once made aware of this extended reality, we find ourselves right in the middle of it, and, fully conscious and lucid, there we meet an alien in its many different forms of appearance.


Alien is us: we project our archetypes, our collective and personal alien template imagery, over a fairly abstract but not entirely blank template that alien presents us with initially.

The template absorbs and processes, then reflects the imagery back to us; we in turn absorb and process, then project the imagery onto alien again, and so on - the cycle is repeated until a feedback of a kind is created - then we see this or that alien, whatever we make it to be. When spirit is understood form knows itself.

That will say, when aliens interact with people, they don't necessarily present themselves in their own person, the way Enterprise Starship crew members get beamed somewhere, and then they are present at that location, in body, in real time. Rather, aliens project an image, which is not a hologram, but a "plasma body", manifestation of psychic realm, for want of a better word. These images are not mere pictures, but complex associative chains involving emotions, thoughts, sensations, notions, language, physical action, complete and complex experiences.

Out-of-body projection, rather than beam-me-up Dr. Michio, is perhaps more likely to be technique and/ or technology at work here: an alien projects, let's call it - astral body - which will appear to you and me, a human observer/ participant, as real as real can be. Such astral alien is a shape-shifter, and it often mimics cultural context in which it operates. As aliens interact with us, they take into account our responses, personal and institutional believes and biases, i.e. it's an interactive, culturally sensitive, feed-back based, ever-evolving image of an alien that we are presented with. Alien/ UFO encounters are therefore staged events - staged by aliens, to be sure. Once the show is over, astral alien returns home, the place "beyond this and that, and prior to before and after".

This is presently the only way we and them can "talk", i.e. communicate and interact with each other. If we are to move beyond this somewhat surreal theater, we'll need to recover our native psychic abilities and extend our consciousness, and with it, our very notion and perception of reality. I would suggest that alien presence here may have to do, among other things, with catalyzing our evolution, broadly speaking. In doing so, they appeal to our creative imagination, intuitive insight, and our emotional selves, as much as they do to our rational, analytical minds.

They are part of our history, recent, past, ancient, and evolutionary history. Our image of them evolves together with us and our culture, and through interaction with them.

Alien thus facilitates, as a matter of speaking, our sofar always temporary visits to this larger reality. It may just as well be the place where we reside, if only briefly, when we die. Perhaps, alien knows us dead, as well as alive. Next step in the evolution of our consciousness, more thorough integration of physical and psychic realms, may entail bridging the gap between world of the living and the world of the dead. Think about shamanic initiation and one important aspect of it, a constant throughout and across space and time: it is about dying, and surviving one's own death, in order to be reborn as one's own other.

mystical thought Talking about coherence of the metaphysical tradition "in the world and at all times", let me quote from D.T. Suzuki quoting from Meister Eckhart quoting from St Gregory - just goes to show how deeply embedded it is -

"No one gets so much of God as the man who is thoroughly dead", because "death gives them [martyrs] being, - they lost their life and found their being."

According to D.T. Suzuki, Mysticism: Christian And Buddhist, page 17,

"[T]he following story may not have historicity but it is widely circulated among Zen followers who are occasionally quite disrespectful of facts. It is worth our consideration as illustrating the way in which the Zen teachers handle the problem of emptiness or absolute nothingness or the still desert lying beyond this and that and prior to before and after"

Bodhidharma, who is the first Zen patriarch in China, came from India in the sixth century. The Emperor Wu of the Liang dynasty invited him to his court. The Emperor Wu, a good pious Buddhist studying the various Mahayana Sutras and practicing the Buddhist virtues of charity and humility, asked the teacher from India:

"The Sutras refer so much to the highest and noblest truth, but what is it, my Reverend Master?"

Bodhidharma answered, "A vast emptiness and no holiness in it".

The Emperor: "Who are you who stand before me if there is nothing holy, nothing high in the vast emptiness of ultimate truth?"

Bodhidharma: "I do not know, your Majesty."


Australian media magnate Kerry Packer died yesterday. He died once before some 15 years ago. In 1990, while playing polo in Sydney, Packer suffered a heart attack that left him unconscious for about eight minutes. He was revived and later told reporter Ray Martin on the Midday Show "I've been to the other side", he said, "And let me tell you, there's nothing there".

A vast emptiness and no holiness in it?

Word of the Day for Monday, January 9, 2006 Entry and Pronunciation for ineffable

ineffable \in-EF-uh-buhl\, adjective:

1. Incapable of being expressed in words; unspeakable; unutterable; indescribable.

2. Not to be uttered; taboo.

Ineffable is from Latin ineffabilis, from in-, "not" + effabilis, "utterable," from effari, "to utter," from ex-, "out" + fari, "to speak."

. . . the tension inherent in human language when it attempts to relate the ineffable, see the invisible, understand the incomprehensible.
-- Jeffrey Burton Russell, A History of Heaven

Pope John Paul II notes that people are drawn to religion to answer the really big questions--for example, "What is the ultimate ineffable mystery which is the origin and destiny of our existence?"
-- William A. Sherden, The Fortune Sellers

One cannot blame them very much; explaining the ineffable is difficult.
-- Edward O. Wilson, "The Biological Basis of Morality," The Atlantic, April 1998


an alien, Fire In The Sky

Our bodies and minds do not dissipate, or dissolve, as we merge into psychic space - they change and morph as well. What happens is, a broader spectrum of sensory information gets now interpreted to a fuller extent, by this extended mind, resulting in expansion of consciousness - mind and body are but two aspects of an ever evolving consciousness. As consciousness expands, our perception of reality expands too, our world becomes bigger, larger in scope, and we begin to perceive intrinsic meaning that there is to things, to every thing, to All That Is.

Think about meditation, psychoactive substances, dreaming, and how these mindstates affect body: breathing, heart beat, brain activity, metabolic chemistry, and many more subtle aspects of mind/ body interaction. An alternation in state of mind results in a corresponding alternation in state of body, an overall relationship between the two changes. Mind/ body is one particular spacetime continuum, a particular configuration with a degree of coherence and stability. It changes in response to ever changing circumstances, nothing new here, that's evolution as we know it, steered by physical, environmental forces. What I'm suggesting is that the processes constituting evolution could be rooted in psychic realm as well.

Alien induced consciousness takes mind/ body beyond reality of inanimate matter and physical forces, to a realm in which aliens walk in through solid walls, float around effortlessly, pop in and out of existence right in front of common sense mind's eyes, and such. Human body gets similarly altered and becomes more flexible when we interact with aliens. In effect, they can float us out of a room through a closed window, without hurting anyone, or breaking glass. Once encounter is over, this altered state of consciousness collapses, just like dream state collapses upon waking up, familiar reality of everyday things and events is restored, and we are back home.

A book was brought to my attention recently, Foreign Bodies by Alphonso Lingis. It informs my take on mind/ body relationship so well: Preface, page vii,

"The human body is a product of natural evolution, but also of our own history. Nietzsche called for a history of culture that would be not only a history of the successive epochs of the cultivation of the planet's resources with new kinds of technological contrivances, nor only a history of the successive kinds of social, economic, and political organization of the human multiplicity - but also a history of the successive epochs of the human species's cultivation of its own mind and of its own body. Every great culture is not only an elaboration of specific kinds of ritual, costume and raiment, technology, science, and metaphysico-religious speculation - a specific kind of mind, but also an elaboration of a specific body-ideal. How diverse are the astronomic-architectural intelligence of the ancient Egyptians, the tragic vision and then the Socratic-Euclidean rationalism of the ancient Greeks, the ceremonial and sumptuous glories of the Byzantine, Inca, or Balinese spirituality, the sacralizing talents of the Brahminical and medieval-Christian ecclesiastical culture, the refinements of Gnostic, Franciscan, Sufi, or Zen mysticism, the mathematico-technological intelligence of Enlightenment Europe, the moral intelligence of rabbinical and Jansenist culture! So diverse also are the body-ideals elaborated by the Hittites, the yogis of India as ancient as Mohenjo-daro and Harrapa, the Mayas whose physical nobility is so strange to us, the samurai of feudal Japan annealed with martial arts, the skyward-leaping Maasai, the Greeks whose bodies were shaped in Olympic games and epitomized in the age of Pericles, the heroic proportions Michelangelo sacralized in the Sistine chapel, the Pygmies and Watusis in the rain forests of Africa - and by the competitive athlete, body builder, ballet dancer, bullfighter, or guerrillero today."



or, rather - they set up a stage, I put up the show. Alright, a peculiar blue one with a funny hat is there too. He's a good friend of mine.

Then Dick Cheney comes in. Me and the blue one get Dick into some absurd conversation. Also, we scare shit out of him: people of America - all humans of America - it's time for you to have your say too, now that central Asia had a go, Latin America had a go. Now, he said he had a dream, not Dick, he doesn't understand what's going on, King had a dream, and he said it was your dream too.

on behalf of us presumably eerie in association with the legions of illuminated social rejects as an influential administrator creator of biblical chaos in these so called united states of america i stand as a messenger of strangeness this evening in order to impress upon or at least to instruct the honorable congregation as to the methods and the motives the best bits of a truly bizarre reality of this corrupt nation.

Dick is loosing it. What? Wanna talk about bribes? Of course I take bribes, I love bribes, I steal billions, and every dollar I take is good for America because I love my country. I would die for America, I'll rape, I'll love, I'll steal, I'll adore, I'll pile it up for America, for money is the stuff that makes the flag flutter and every billion that my company steals helps America win. I'll tell you another thing I learned after so many years of building dirty weapons - it's all aggression, everything is war, the dynamo of the universe is war. Signs Of Chaos. Killout.

New dynamics in place, the so called weirdos in this country are completely freaked out by normal man, and the normal man is completely freaked out by weirdos' reaction to him, you know, which came first, you may ask yourselves, chicken or egg, you may ask yourselves - well, the chicken of course! - time now to break this formally normalized normally formalized routine, what we want is a complete weirdofication, what's good for the goose is good for the gang - are you still with me? - now you can pluck out his plumas anaranjadas with smile, it's obvious to me.

What goes on in real life, the so-called 4-D reality, Dick has a vivid dream, or, otherwise, he's been "abducted" by aliens. What is being staged and played here in my room at that moment, is what Dick vividly dreams of, or what he thinks is happening to him during the "abduction".