theInterzone Cutup Report #20171223

December 23, 2017. Alright, I'll shoot it straight with you folks - we need Guantanamo like hostes bell dongs, now more than ever, young Americans and old alike.

Donald Trump But, of course, this was still politics: those who could overcome shame or disbelief, coarseness and absurdity, suck up to him and humor him, might achieve unique political advantage.

The president spending a notable amount of time on Air Force One was seen grooming a national political future, a traditional Republican one, a type known as a Jarvanka Republican, the Trump way. The danger here is that she is so much smarter than him.

Nikki Haley Our enemies are innovative and resourceful and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people and neither do we, they say, no good for college neither, no brains, L'université American another time, sculls, bones, coke, more booze, effective reunion, and then they say let it be me. Had to steal a vote or two down in Michigan.

By October many took notice of one of the few remaining opportunists: Nikki Haley, the UN ambassador. She concluded that Trump will last a single term, at best, courted Ivanka who brought her into the family circle, into a focus of Trump’s attention: the family’s pick for secretary of state after Rex Tillerson’s resignation. Comes all over me, Rex does, I can taste him on my lips, margin for error getting smaller.

Kris Kobach Intelligence dead wrong, them rougeish conspiracy theoreticians, Kris Kobach exists, not dead, not invented by TV people. What I mean by TV people is the little people that live inside every TV set. Oil mass failure, except for selected members of our society, and that's the truth of it: some individuals just know how to make money out of anything that's mass scale and then the guys they said payback time down in Michigan.

Certainly, intelligence people failed again, same old dollar irritation, errand uranium partnership, approximately, perhaps medically induced reality, same place another time, wave function unfolding, shrodinger cat gone lose.

Dick Cheney Fellow Americans, I do have a heart, and if this was peace on Earth you know, if there was anything anyone could do I would have been the first, a great prezidente, but when Dick turns this blue then it's a universal truth you know, he's never gonna fuck again, time to cut and run, still years to go now that there is nothing left to say, why don't we just slip away, if George could do it I can do it too.

Grizzly pics, Rudy and coupla Saudi sheikhs don't like it rockin' d kasbah. Metal machine counter, oil gearing, track $$ victim's blood follow the man's tracks. Gentlemen, please, let's pause for a second to salute the holiday bonuses coming to New York's finest, the Wall Street denizens celebrating their third or fourth most profitable year ever. And please do keep shopping, I'm not joking for God's sake my fellow Americans, the president said the other day.

Poverty inherited, arson, death camps. Guantanamo is a model camp, that's how we want to run this operation, now officially confirmed, far from preying eyes of the Red Cross, activist judges, rapporteurs of one kind or the other, all PR exercise, tabloid press, fake news.

Homeland Security High status professional males deficient in capacity to produce imagery. 170.000 to work for Homeland Security. Heroin, occupied territories, overall strategy, the United States, this the dark hair paranoia incident merely local.

British personnel in Iran, the Pentagon in about Iran, the coalition in about allover Iran way beyond a mere perfume store. This week a wall flattened giant police station unfolding by a null that's understood. L'administration Mpoys d'accord. Force used l'argent this operation although n'avait no casualties in a conventional sense as no jusqu'ŕ explanation for the Shia militia. Radio gear and die tomorrow we was gone, no medical kit.

Comadante turned the newspaper men away with a thin brown hand, Much politics that guy, it's better to be just technical. On a matter of this importance, we simply cannot afford failures of such magnitude.